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Recipes and Stories

10 December 2024: On Christmas Cheese Straws and Still Learning in the Kitchen

Crisp, Buttery Christmas Cheese Stars


One of the things I love best about cooking is that it's predictable (to a point) and yet always evolving.


Yes, there are certain reactions that are basic and scientific. If you add this to that, you'll get a predictable result. Handle pastry dough with tender finesse and it'll be delicate, flaky, and tender; treat it roughly and it'll be hard and tough. The opposite is true for a yeast bread dough. But even with things we've made a thousand times and gotten the same result for almost every one of those times, there's always the opportunity for that unexpected "aha" moment.


I've been making cheese straws for my entire adult life—longer if I count the hundreds of my mother's  Read More 

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14 December 2021: Christmas Cheese Stars

Christmas Cheese Stars: Old-Fashioned Southern Cheese Straws with a Holiday attitude


Thanks to a move across three states, all the usual upheaval that goes with it, and a few unexpected wrenches thrown in along the way, we're still adjusting to our new home and life in Virginia. The consequence is, that my holiday baking has gotten a very late start. While that's probably not a bad thing for my waistline, it hasn't helped my spirit.


Yesterday, however, at long last I finally tied on an apron, got out the mixer and processor, and began my baking ritual with a batch of Christmas Cheese Stars.


That's just cheese straws with a little bit of a holiday spin that happened completely by accident. Read More 

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